How to sweep a multi-account Bitcoin Electrum wallet
How to sweep a multi-account Bitcoin Electrum wallet through Trezor if you can't export the mnemonic.
Don't be stuck at dev environment setup!
One of the worst feelings as a developer is not able to work on what you set out to do. Instead, you spent the entire day setting up the repository on your local system. And what's worse? It's the first week of your new job.
T-shaped smart creatives
What do they bring to the table?
How to become better at reading and debugging code
Reading unknown code is usually intimidating, however, our ability to read and debug code matters more than we can write, yet we are never taught anything about it. Let's see how we can improve our ability to read and debug code.
Is it boring working in Web Development startups?
Whenever I get in conversation with junior undergrads, they often ask if it is monotonous and boring working on web technologies. I used to think the same way 3-4 years ago, however, after having the first hand experience, I think otherwise.
A millennial's thoughts on embarking as a Software Engineer
We, the new generation of software engineers, love to talk about creating an impact. We attend overnight hackathons to build the next big thing. Good that we can build an app in 24 hours, but is it really a production ready codebase? Are we carried away with the agility brought in by our generation?
What it takes to develop, test and release a Software Product?
When we talk about developing a software product, we often overlook what goes on in the life of an engineer. The software is not just about code, much like how a journey is not about destination.
Hobbyist Competitive Programmer to Software Developer at HackerEarth
During four years of Computer Engineering, I used to think about what I should pursue as professional career. Loved designing graphic posters, thoroughly enjoyed Competitive Programmer and it was immensely satisfying to build software products to solve real world problems. So much dilemma and I ended up being a Software Engineer at HackerEarth